google adwords – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:51:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Ways to Find the Best PPC Keywords Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:45:54 +0000 Whether you plan to launch a new or optimize an existing PPC campaign, especially a search one, you need to do keyword research. Undoubtedly, a well-tailored keyword list is essential for your PPC success. The challenging thing about this is to find keywords that will lead to more conversions on a lower budget, instead of

The post 7 Ways to Find the Best PPC Keywords appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Whether you plan to launch a new or optimize an existing PPC campaign, especially a search one, you need to do keyword research. Undoubtedly, a well-tailored keyword list is essential for your PPC success. The challenging thing about this is to find keywords that will lead to more conversions on a lower budget, instead of eating away at your money without any outcome. But it’s not all bad! Here, we share 7 ways to help you discover profitable PPC keywords. With them, you will be able to maximize your campaign outcomes and eventual profit in no time. You can make use of these methods mentioned below that will help you find the best keywords for your Google and Microsoft ad campaign.

PPC Keywords

1. Use Automated PPC Keywords Planner Tools

The automated tools do the lion’s share of the work for you. However, every tool has its pros and cons you should take into account. One of the most widely used free tools is Google Keyword Planner. Once you have accessed the Planner, you will see two cards: “Discover New Keywords” and “Get Search Volume and Forecasts.”


Choose the card that matches your task

As the name suggests, “Discover New Keywords” will help you find new keywords. You first need to enter products and services that are closely related to your business. Once done, a list of keywords that are related to your business will be displayed.

PPC Keyword Plan

An example of a Keyword Plan

The “Get Search Volume and Forecasts” is an option you can choose if you already have a predefined list of keywords. All you need to do is type them in and check for their search volume. However, this option will not help you generate new keywords. This tool has been designed specifically for PPC advertisers, and you will find a lot of features, like keyword bidding, that will help you with your campaigns. However, Google Keyword Planner has its cons:

  • You can only collect keywords for no more than 10 basic phrases at once. This restriction makes Google Keyword Planner not so convenient when providing keyword research for a wide range of products or services.
Keyword Error

If you are trying to enter more than 10 keywords, the system returns an error

  • If you entered your domain at the initial stage of keyword collecting, you will not be able to use the “Grouped ideas” option. Let’s say you’ve collected 3,000 keywords, removed irrelevant ones from the list, and now you want to quickly break them up into groups – but the system doesn’t allow you to do this. When you remove the domain name, the keyword count rises up to 3,500. As a result, you have to clean the keyword list once again.
Google Notification

Google notifies you that the keyword grouping feature is unavailable if you’ve entered the domain name

  • Google Keyword Planner discovers fewer keywords than you can discover with third parties. For example, for the basic phrase “PPC agency,” Google’s tool suggests 691 keywords in the US. For the same phrase and geo-targeting, the PromoNavi’s Keyword Planner gives you 983 phrase-match keywords, 813 related keywords, and 32 search suggestions.
Google Keyword Planner

The number of keywords in Google Keyword Planner


PPC keywords in Promonavi

The number of keywords in Promonavi for the same basic phrases is much higher

Also, using PromoNavi’s Keyword Planner, you aren’t restricted to 10 basic phrases per search.

2. Scrape Google Search Autocompletes and Recent Searches

Google Search autocomplete is a search feature that predicts users’ queries and provides suggestions based on the user’s demographics.

Example of Google Search autocomplete

An example of Google Search autocomplete

Google autocomplete sometimes provides funny user habits and has accidentally spoiled many unreleased TV shows, movies, and video games. However, as PPC marketers, we suggest you take advantage of these suggestions and scrape Google autocomplete to find effective keywords. Another source of keywords is the “Related Searches” section at the bottom of Google’s Search results page. Here you can find ideas for your keyword list expansion.

Related Searches

An example of Related Searches

To automate the keyword scraping, you can make use of PromoNavi’s Keyword Planner. Through the use of this tool, all related keywords and autocomplete suggestions will be conveniently shown to you in a table.

Google autocomplete suggestions in PromoNavi

Related keywords and Google autocomplete suggestions in PromoNavi

3. Keep an Eye on Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that will help you understand and know what topics are trending in people’s minds around the world. You will find all types of events, ranging from local to global, and everything in between. Google Trends analyzes samples of search data to measure interest in various topics and presents it as a graph. Since 2004, the entirety of Google searches has been recorded and updated in real-time.

When it comes to keywords, browsing through the Trending Searches section may not be your best option. The nature of your business may be too specific to even land on the top 20 results. However, if you have not found any instant suggestions, you can head over to the Explore section filled with all the information related to search queries that have a higher search volume. Here, you can easily find related queries with rising popularity.

Related queries in Google Trends

An example of related queries in Google Trends

Google Trends is a powerful tool for marketers. With its help, you can identify seasonal trends, discover keyword ideas, find the best wording for high-frequency keywords, and much more. You can learn how to deal with this tool in the Ultimate Guide to Google Trends.

4. Go Through Google Ads Search Terms Report

When it comes to online advertising and PPC keywords, the Search Terms report often plays an essential role, as you will see the queries that are actually driving traffic to your site.

Google Ads Search terms report

An example of Google Ads Search terms report

With the help of Google Ads Search Queries, you will be given helpful statistics, like which queries are working and which are not. Additionally, you can also set negatives from the Google Ads interface directly. Sadly, the Google Ads Search Terms report was cut off. This resulted in an up to a 60% decrease in search term visibility. However, it is still considered a viable source for keywords, and we recommend using it.

5. Visit Google Search Console

When you link the Google Search Console to your Google Ads account, you will be able to glance through organic and paid keywords. This data will be on the keyword and search query levels, and helps you to see the organic vs. paid terms’ incremental value. This is excellent news for Google Ads campaigns and paid advertisers. This new spin will allow you to see organic and new opportunities, including paid ones.

In the simple report, you will see whether your ads perform well organically or whether you may have to pause the keywords or drop your bids if you are on a tight budget. If you are an advertiser that provides both SEO and PPC to the same customers, this is quite a positive move.

6. Spy on Your Competitors to Uncover Missing Keywords

Competitor analysis is a valuable marketing approach both for understanding how advertisers perform in your niche and for discovering profitable insights such as missing keywords. By saying missing keywords, we mean keywords that your competitors are targeting, but you are not. Keywords that both you and your competitors are targeting are called shared. To find missing keywords, you don’t need to iterate them manually over Google Search. With PromoNavi’s Competitor Analysis tool, the “keyword gaps” are available to you in one click. How it works:

  • Enter your domain name and your competitors’ URLs; you can use domain suggestions as well. Run an analysis.
Enter up to 3 competitors

You can enter up to 3 competitors

  • Scroll down the page to the “Paid Keywords” section. On the “Missing” tab, you can see all the keywords that your competitors have been targeting for the last 30 days.
Competitors’ PPC keywords

Competitors’ keywords are divided into 3 tabs: all keywords, missing, and shared ones

  • Use filters to pick the relevant keywords for your campaigns. We recommend you try an interactive “Keywords Overlap” chart. Hover the cursor over the overlapping part and click it to filter out shared keywords. If you want to see unique keywords for a certain domain, click the non-overlapping part of the appropriate circle.
Pick PPC keywords for certain domains

You can quickly pick keywords for certain domains

  • Download keywords in a CSV file or add them to your campaigns directly from the PromoNavi interface.

7. Expand Your PPC Keywords List with Effective Suggestions

There are third-party apps and sites that can help you with keywords for Google Ad campaigns. One of these includes PromoNavi; more specifically, PromoNavi’s “Expand Your Keywords List” tool.

Expand PPC Keywords List

Link your Google Ads account to PromoNavi and go to the “Campaign Optimization” section to find the keyword recommendation feature. This particular tool will help you look for new and useful keywords to add to your Google Ads campaign. Thanks to this feature, your ads will receive more clicks, and your campaign will be more effective.

Analyze PPC Keywords Queries

The table of suggested keywords, with potential clicks increase and other useful metrics. Both beginners and professionals can use this tool. Additionally, all of the data from Google Analytics and Google Ads are combined, which allows you to make informed decisions while choosing particular keywords from a variety of options.

PPC Keywords – Final Thoughts

Overall, keywords play an essential role when it comes to PPC campaigns. Through proper utilization, you can even reach future potential clients and customers. Understanding the data you’re working with can better help inform your future marketing efforts while maximizing the efficacy of current campaigns. With the help of the methods mentioned above, you’ll get your ads up and running more effectively with ease.

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Google Search Insights – Understanding Google Keyword Trends for Websites Thu, 26 Apr 2018 06:49:30 +0000 In order to get the best Google search insights, you’re better off using the latter, as it will help you determine the keywords that you need to be focusing on.

The post Google Search Insights – Understanding Google Keyword Trends for Websites appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Keywords are an essential part of every website SEO (search engine optimization) effort. There are several ways to find just the right words to focus on. Either you examine your competitor’s marketing efforts and seek out their keywords (using them as your own in unique content, of course), or you utilize a product like Google Trends and analyze Google search insights.

Google search insights main image

In order to get the best Google search insights, you’re better off using the latter, as it will help you determine the keywords that you need to be focusing on.

Why You Need to Use Good SEO Practices – Some Background to Get Things Started

In order for your customers and clients to find your website, you need to follow a practice called search engine optimization, or SEO for short. This requires a number of different things, from good SEO-optimized images to content that includes a number of keywords. Every search engine uses something that they call bots. These bots crawl the internet and examine every website that they come across.

If you utilize good SEO practices, then the next time someone does a keyword search, your website will pop up in the top ten results. Since many people don’t scroll down or even click on the next page of results, this is a very good thing. However, some search engines will punish you for not following SEO standards or trying to cheat the system.

As a result, you need to follow a number of unspoken rules and change up your keywords from time to time depending on trends.

What Is Google Search Insights?

Google trending searches and Google Search Insights

Google, the company that runs the top (and most popular) search engine, has a tool called Google Trends.

For several years, this tool was called Google Search Insights (also known as Google Insights for Search), before it went back to being called Google Trends. What this tool does is tell you the best keywords to use at any particular time. These Google keyword trends vary, depending on the type of business that you run and where your company is located.

For example, if you live in Chicago, Illinois and run a small independent toy store, your Google keyword trends will be focused on those circumstances. This allows you to find the right keywords for your needs – without stretching them to make them fit.

How Do Certain Keywords End up Trending?

This is the real question. How do these keywords end up at the top of the Google trends for websites lists? Well, most of this process depends on how often people end up searching for a particular term.

Every time a person goes to Google – or any other search engine – and looks up something, that website makes a note of it. If a lot of people begin searching for those same terms at the same time, it becomes a trend on Google search insights. These trends can be broken down by location, which we’ve already discussed, as well as by time of year.

Determining “Peak” Times for Certain Keywords

One of the best things about Google search insights is the fact that it lets you determine which keywords to use at any particular time. Some keywords are cyclical, depending on where you’re located. Pulling up a keyword graph that spans years worth of time in a certain location, such as a country, can help you get ahead of the trends.

Google search insights example image

For example, if you sell snow boots, then you need to know when the Google search trend for snow boots begins. In the United States, the snowy months tend to be November through April (obviously depending on what part of the country you live in.) With this knowledge, you can start adding content to your company’s website and blog starting in October.

However, if you’re trying to attract customers in another part of the world, then the Google search trend might be different. The months of snow in the U.S. constitute peak summer in Australia. As a result, your Google search insights for that country will have very different results.

Taking Advantage of Google Trending Searches

When you click on the standard Google Trends page, you’ll see exactly what’s trending at any given moment. You can break this down by category in order to narrow the trends in order to find something to focus on.

Some of the categories included are sports, entertainment, and so on. You can even change the country to see what’s trending there. If you run a website that focuses on one of these categories, then you can use this Google search insight to come up with a blog post or a piece of web content that focuses on what’s trending right now.

If you’re lucky, you might be able to have your own work appear in one of these Google trending searches. This could potentially bring in thousands of viewers and readers and propel your website to the top of the search engine results.

Making Your Content Count

Before you jump on any Google trends for websites, you first need to make sure that your chosen keyword trends match your content. You can’t see one of these Google search insights and then publish an article on it, not if your website has nothing to do with your trend of choice.

For example, if your online store sells coffee makers, you can’t publish an article about sports – unless you can somehow determine which coffee makers a certain sports team uses in the locker room. It’s all about the honesty of your content. The search engines will punish you for stepping out of bounds.

Although it might be tempting to jump on every trend, you need to make the content fit. Otherwise, all of your efforts will be for nothing.

What Else Matters When It Comes to Content

You need to use the right keywords for search ranking at just the right times. However, getting people to view your website involves a bit more than just planning your content calendar according to seasonal or local trends. It also requires you to put out content that’s high quality.

Every article needs to use those keywords organically in order to prove that you’re an expert in the field. This expertise is what really counts towards your Google SEO results. You need to use a combination of the keywords (the trending ones), as well as a thoughtful article or two that use them. This article should be well-written, as well as fit the context of your website. It’s really a combination of all of these factors that goes in your search engine results.

In order to properly use Google search insights, you need to focus on keywords that fit your content. They also need to be trending keywords. By determining which keywords will trend and when they’ll appear in many user’s searches, you can plan your content accordingly.

Remember that well-written content with these keywords is what will really help your website get to the top of those search engine results. These trends come and go, and depending on your business, your content may or may not fit them. If it doesn’t, don’t force things. The more organic and natural the better, as far as search engines are concerned.

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Major Advertising Trends 2018 & Updates in PPC Paid Search Tue, 16 Jan 2018 07:41:06 +0000 Do you want to know what are the major PPC advertising trends 2018? Continue reading and be the first to know.

The post Major Advertising Trends 2018 & Updates in PPC Paid Search appeared first on DesignWebKit.

On a number of occasions, entrepreneurs and business owners fail to meet their business targets through different digital marketing campaigns using all current advertising trends 2018. In order to beat the cut-throat competition and sustain in the game of the web-based business, they resort to PPC eventually.

advertising trends 2018 main image

In simple words, PPC is a process of buying paid traffic to websites. In this online advertising model, advertisers display ads for their goods and services over different search engines and pay fees each time a visitor clicks on the placed ads. It is a powerful tool to get lots of traffic to your website and lead generation opportunities within a short duration of time.

The success of PPC campaigns depends on how well you accommodate the current PPC trends and adopt them in your PPC exercise. So, do you want to know what are the major PPC advertising trends 2018? If yes, then go through the list below. It will help you to make substantial improvements in your own PPC campaigns in 2018 and mint money easily:

Use Long Tail Keywords to Target The larger Audience

There are many ways to get the required information about the targeted audience. As more and more people are using the internet on mobile devices, desktops, laptops, tablets, and other internet-enabled devices, it is very important to you to understand how customers behave while visiting your website. This will help you to know the desires of potential customers and create PPC campaigns accordingly.

advertising trends 2018 long tail keywords

In 2018, digital marketing professionals and SEO specialists need to pay more attention to research and find long tail keywords in their niche. It will enable them to target user’s specific queries easily and meet their needs without any hassle.

They must focus on developing PPC campaigns based on the user’s behavior. Don’t concentrate entirely on the conversion/buying stage. Take all possible measures to gather more information about the targeted audience and try to know what they expect from you.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

As people are spending lots of time on their mobile devices, mobile PPC campaigns will give a great boost to your web-based business. There are a large number of tech-geeks who spend at least 15 hours per week on different mobile devices, a healthy amalgamation of Mobile PPC Campaigns and social media advertising will help you a lot.

amp advertising trends 2018

So, you must focus on audience targeting on mobile devices. Just make your website responsive to all mobile devices and optimize it perfectly for search engines and people like. By doing so, you will be able to meet the buyer’s expectations and increase the chances of lead generation manifold.

Google Shopping Will Grow

Although Google Shopping is not new to advertising trends 2018, it is increasing swiftly with each passing day. This trend is likely to boom in 2018. This powerful tool helps all vendors to grow their sales significantly.

google shopping advertising trends 2018

Besides this, Shopping Ads should have eye-catching images so that visitors can click them and buy the offered products/services. Even Google has updated its features to support the use of such types of ads. It helps users to find, research and compare different products easily and choose the best ones for themselves.

In 2018, you will have to start shopping campaigns differently. Just research and understand how it works and how it is applicable in your case. Just add good quality pictures to your products and provide the all-inclusive information to make your PPC campaigns successful.

Website Loading Speed Matters A Lot

When you take all possible steps to make your PPC campaigns successful, don’t ignore the loading speed of your website or its pages. If your website is slow, Google will not prefer your website while displaying results.

website speed advertising trends 2018 image

If you don’t tackle the issues ASAP, you are likely to lose almost 60% of your total business coming from big and small screens. A website with slow loading speed has higher bounce rate and negative remarks from visitors. You can’t expect your PPC campaigns to shower money in your wallet with a slow loading website.

So, be active, use the free tools Website Speed Test Tools and measure the main culprits that are making your website slow. Based on the output, take all possible steps to make your website faster. PPC campaigns done for faster websites have higher chances of success.

Machine Learning Will Be In Limelight

Since long, advertisers used to do the A/B testing to understand the effectiveness of their PPC Ad campaigns. Recently, Google pushed them away from the A/B testing model of running two different advertisements and performing the assessment work manually.

In 2018, we will observe that machine learning is getting smarter. For example- you have a PPC ad to target all of your audience throughout the year. Just before the Black Friday, you create a PPC Ad to grow your holiday sales.

Then, the machine learning will gaze how these two ads are performing. Soon, you would come to know that holiday sales are doing much better than the previous ad. Depending on the output, you will make the require changes in your PPC campaigns and easily recover the invested amount.

Demographic Targeting Will Multiply

The main aim of PPC campaigns to get more traffic to websites and convert them into leads as far as possible. Keyword-based search ads have ruled the web since long. Generally, search engines like Google & Bing don’t capture demographic information of the searcher.

Demographic advertising trends 2018

However, different social media websites to target customers based on their geographical locations. As social media optimization is an important factor for increasing the ranking of your website and boosting the keyword performance, advertisers will pay more attention to demographic targeting while placing PPC advertisements so that they can make the Ad campaigns successful.

Gmail Ad Is Among Advertising Trends 2018 Too

All advertisers who are interested in growing their businesses and creating leads in bulk will flock to Gmail Ads. It helps them to get a new audience and build brand awareness in an easy way.

gmail advertising trends 2018

As Gmail has more than 900 million active users all over the world, it allows entrepreneurs to find the potential audience and generate business opportunities easily and quickly. Advertisers can give Gmail Ads (Gmail Sponsored Promotions) and expect business opportunities to come in their way in 2018.

As shown in the picture, the advertisement appears in a user’s Gmail inbox under the “Promotions” tab. If interested, users can click on the ad, see the offered products and services, and buy them eventually.

Custom Intend Audience

Many advertisers find it very difficult to offer personalized advertisements to a large number of customers/clients and seek the positive response from them. If you want to personalize your PPC campaigns and earn handsome revenues in 2018, switch to Custom Intend Audience.

Under this scheme, Google allows advertisers to personalize their advertisements on the Google Display Network and target only the interested customers who are willing to buy their products and services.

For this, necessary data is collected from your website, campaigns, and YouTube. Google creates auto-generated custom intent audience lists based on the campaign and helps entrepreneurs to sell their products and services in maximum numbers.

Concluding Remarks on the Advertising Trends 2018:

It can be a fun to make predictions about key PPC trends 2018. As an experienced digital marketing professional/ SEO specialists, you should have a close in the past, present and future PPC trends to make your PPC campaigns successful in 2018. These are some major PPC advertising trends 2018 which are likely to rock in 2018. So, prepare yourself for it in advance, do the required homework and fetch success in PPC campaigns easily.

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Roofing Advertising: Powerful Techniques You Need to Know About Sat, 16 Sep 2017 11:03:10 +0000 Marketing is a field that requires people who can think on their feet as well as individuals who are adaptable to the changing waves of technology. Currently, people are slowly moving from the expensive television, radio, and print media to online advertising.

The post Roofing Advertising: Powerful Techniques You Need to Know About appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Marketing for roofing companies can be a daunting task. Many companies have learned that having a high-quality product can lead to less income if the marketing department is uneventful. Marketing is a field that requires people who can think on their feet as well as individuals who are adaptable to the changing waves of technology. Currently, people are slowly moving from the expensive television, radio, and print media to online roofing advertising campaigns.   

Roofing advertising seo marketing leads

Roofing SEO & Google AdWords

People are warming up to the idea of using options such as SEO and Google AdWords. These options have proven effective and an easy way to conduct one’s advertisement. Regardless of one’s focus or line of business, these advertising options can help one increase their business’ appeal and reach. In this way, running an AdWords campaign for roofers is easier, cheaper, and more effective than having one’s advert run on a television channel. Internet marketing is indeed the way to go ahead by focusing on an AdWords campaign for roofing companies. So, read on how to run a profitable AdWords, on your own or with professional WillbeCoded AdWords help.

First of all, to successfully manage an AdWords campaign for roofers, one needs to provide accurate information. When a prospect or client clicks on an ad, they need to find the right information that will help them understand that this is the best company with best services in their location. People who are managing the site need to understand that potential clients should only be allowed to see what is accurate and appropriate for prospects’ needs. For instance, the use of Sitelinks extension (the free extension offered by Google) can be an idea worth exploring. Sitelinks extension helps to add up to four additional links in an AdWords ad. This helps to give clients more options to explore a site. Clients will feel comfortable if they visit a site which breaks down information and does not include everything in a single page.

Negative Keywords: What, How, Why To Use

Next in roofing advertising, the use of negative keywords cannot be emphasized enough. Negative keywords are indeed essential and can help to answer the question how to get roofing leads without wasting your budget. Negative keywords work differently because instead of being used to specify where an ad should appear (as, for example, geo-keywords are used), they are used to specify where an ad should not appear. How to get roofing leads? You need to make sure that it is targeting the right people first. This means that only people with roofing needs or problems will be able to view the ads. An AdWords campaign for a roofing company will indeed be more effective if it includes a few hundreds of negative keywords.

Roofing Advertising: How To Get Leads

How to get roofing leads can indeed be an issue worth sweating for. Getting leads is quite easy but getting qualified leads which are from prospects can be quite a problem. However, Google made our work easier by including geo-targeted keywords. And it is a great way of marketing for roofing companies. When it comes to business, location is essential. Thus, targeting the people who are closer to one’s business can increase one’s chances of attracting the right people. Prospects who are far away from one’s business can give to an owner a false hope and the sense that their business is attracting many leads.

Therefore, before setting an AdWords campaign for a roofing company, it is essential to, first of all, define your targets. Afterwards, include geographical keywords which will help to reduce the number of visitors. These also increase the company’s chances of getting and increasing their qualified leads.

In conclusion, marketing for roofing companies is quite a task and it requires careful planning as well as execution. It is quite easy to run an advert for a long time without increasing leads or even the prospective clients. Therefore, the right measures and steps need to be upheld.


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