Lauren McLaren – DesignWebKit Design News Blog, Web Design Blog Fri, 24 Mar 2023 05:30:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WordPress SEO Guide: 15 Steps From Basic To Advanced Fri, 20 Apr 2018 06:03:00 +0000 You must recognize the stark reality that SEO is highly unpredictable and you need an effective WordPress SEO Guide for your website.

The post WordPress SEO Guide: 15 Steps From Basic To Advanced appeared first on DesignWebKit.

SEO improves the visibility of websites on the web and help visitors to find it easily and quickly. The overall ranking of websites in the SERPs of different search engines depends on the quality of SEO activities done by digital marketing professionals. You must recognize the stark reality that SEO is highly unpredictable and you need an effective WordPress SEO Guide for your website.

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It sees frequent changes almost every now and then because of Google updates, quickly changing needs of visitors, priorities of entrepreneurs, etc. Numerous fresh graduates adopt SEO as their first career choice and dream of making huge business opportunities and revenues by optimizing websites for different search engines and people.

Almost all SEO professionals, especially the novice ones, make several blunders while optimizing websites either due to the lack of the basic knowledge of SEO or they are unaware of the changing SEO rules. If you optimize a WordPress website with outdated or faulty SEO tricks, don’t expect its good performance in Google. So, what are the ways to improve your WordPress SEO and gain the desired results? Let’s go through this WordPress SEO Guide now!

How To SEO WordPress: Create a Definite Digital Marketing Calendar at First

Any digital marketing SEO activity is doomed to fail if you perform it in an unplanned manner. Unplanned SEO activities not only waste your valuable resources but also you don’t acquire the desired results. So, first of all, you should have a definite SEO plan for a month and its targets to achieve, like the number of leads, sales, traffic, downloads, social leads, customer interaction ratio, etc. If you optimize your WordPress website in a planned manner, there are chances that it can perform well on all search engines and give you the expected results. For example- you can have an WordPress SEO guide and a weekly WordPress SEO Optimization plan as displayed here below:

Days SEO activities
Monday To update your website with a fresh content and its social sharing.
Tuesday To create high-quality content for your SEO team.
Wednesday SMO & Email Marketing.
Thursday Acceptance and publication of Guest posts and their optimization for search engines and visitors.
Friday Launch Social Media live streaming, work on Q-A websites, Social bookmarking, etc, to boost referral traffic to your website.
Saturday Create content for next week and proofread the rejected content for reuse.
Sunday Take rest or review the performance of your website and make the necessary changes in your SEO activities.

Note: These are some basic SEO activities. Use effective SEO practices to optimize your website as per your business needs and targets.

WordPress SEO Guide: Collect the Necessary SEO Tools

There are many SEO professionals who boast of their website optimization skills and they consider the use of WordPress SEO tools against their values and reputation. Don’t get into those useful points and be practical. When the volume of your web-based business is increased with the changing time, it becomes very difficult to manage a fully-fledged WordPress website (which receives lots of traffic daily) with the available resources. So, due to the increasing workload, chances of SEO mistakes are higher. WordPress SEO becomes an easy task if you use some wonderful SEO tools provided by the WordPress. For instance,

WordPress SEO Tools Major Benefits
All in One SEO Pack It helps you to implement the WordPress SEO practices in the right way and give alerts when you make SEO mistakes.
Content Writer It helps you to write high-quality content in an easy way.
404 Solution It automatically tracks and eliminates 404 URLs.

Update Your WordPress Website Regularly with Fresh Content

Today’s internet users love to browse only those websites that offer the latest and correct information on different products/services. People hate sites with outdated information. Even different search engines display regularly updated websites in search results to give users the best experience.

Therefore, you must update your website regularly with fresh content. Upload at least one content on daily basis and optimize it for Google, other emerging search engines, and the targeted audience. If you do this, search engine bots will pay regular visits to your website. This significantly improves the overall indexing and ranking of websites/web-pages.

WordPress SEO Guide: Meta Description, Titles, and Subtitles

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Meta tags take a great role in WordPress SEO guide. Google uses meta description, titles, and subtitles to determine the overall quality of your content and display it in search results accordingly. Meta description gives search engines the basic idea about the content. Therefore, write high-quality meta description, add important terms/keywords to it and use it in website optimization. The titles and subtitles should be concise, catchy, and appealing to the end users.

How to SEO WordPress: URL Beautification

One of the best things about the WordPress is that it automatically generates a default URL for the uploaded content. A good number of SEO professionals make a huge mistake of using the default URLs.

As the matter of fact, default URLs are long and complicated. Search engines have to evaluate them using complex parameters. So, they avoid default URLs while displaying websites/web-pages to visitors. Even conscious internet users treat default URLs as SPAM links and avoid visiting them. This impacts your web-based business negatively and you see its negativity consequences in the short and long term.

So, beautify the default URLs. Just edit them and add good keywords and terms. The URLs should look simple and meaningful. Only then search engines will use your web-page for its results and give its business benefits to you.

WordPress SEO Guide: Image Optimization

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Undoubtedly, the use of images makes your website/content look attractive and help visitors to grasp the business messages easily and effortlessly. Everything seems ok till here. The problem with many SEO professionals is that they don’t optimize images for search engines to exploit their SEO benefits. Search engines can’t understand the message of image content if they are not accompanied by the supportive ALT attributes.

So, relinquish the bad habit of stealing default images from the image section of different search engines. Just clicks HD images yourself using a mobile or camera, trim the images, choose a right image format, add relevant ALT attributes, and use them in your SEO activities. Such engines will be able to understand such images and display them in search results.

Strict Content Evaluation

Almost all search engines hate the use of low-quality content in WordPress SEO Optimization. They can delete your website from their search index if you continue the use of junk materials in your SEO activities. In today’s heavily digitized world, wherein almost all established and start-up companies tend to have a solid web presence to multiply for the business opportunities easily and quickly, the demand for SEO-optimized and fresh content is sky high.

The demand is so high that even the professional content marketing agencies fail to meet the rapidly increasing demand for the content on some occasions. This results in the production of low-quality content in bulk.

A good number of SEO professionals don’t evaluate the content quality before its use. So, they fail to meet the ambitious targets of the web-based business. As an SEO professional, if you do this, there are several chances of mistakes in the published web-pages. Goole doesn’t give any importance to such web pages.

So, you must evaluate each and every content strictly before using it. In this way, you will be able to eliminate the errors in content and use only the high-quality material for the promotion of your WordPress website.

Add an XML and HTML Sitemap to Your Website

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You should add an XML (for search engines) and an HTML Sitemap (for users) to your WordPress website. An XML sitemap allows search engine bots to easily roam across your website or its webpages, add them to their indexes, and display the relevant pages in results. In the same way, an HTML sitemap allows visitors to browse the different sections of your website smoothly, find the desired pages and take the further action as per individual requirements. You can add them yourself if you know the different programming languages or use tools.

Website Optimization with a Mobile-First Approach

These days, around 57% of all website traffic comes from mobile devices. It means if you want to compete in the web-based business and earn the desired profits, your website should appear well on all mobile devices. Therefore, make your website responsive to all mobile devices and optimize websites with a mobile-first approach. In this way, you will be able to meet the needs of mobile as well as desktop users.

Does your Website Appeal Users?

Well, it doesn’t make sense to come up such a question when we are talking about WordPress SEO factors. But, as many SEO professional argue, all your SEO efforts are not going to grab the user’s attention if it has serious UX/UI issues and visitors face problem to use it. Usually, such faulty websites face humiliation from search engines and criticism from users.

Therefore, work on the UX/UI issues and explore all possible areas as how you can make your website more usable for visitors. Check its navigation path, cross-browser compatibility, loading speed, 404 errors, ads, etc and eliminate the errors. A well-designed and ready to use website always complement your SEO activities and help you to get your goals.

WordPress SEO Guide: Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization is a process of using different social media website for SEO, increasing brand awareness on the web and generate leads. You must combine the SEO and SMO activities perfectly to boost the ranking of your website and keep the business opportunities coming in your way. It has been observed that websites with a stronger presence on different social media channels have a higher ranking in Google compared to those sites that don’t have a social incarnation.

Generate High-Quality Backlinks

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In simple words, Backlinks are those live web addresses that point users to your website and encourage them to visit it for reading the desired content, downloading a premium/free E-product, buying products/services. Google considers high-quality backlinks to your website and uses it as an important ranking parameter.

To generate quality backlinks to your website, perform Guest blogging activities, answer the questions of visitors on Question-Answer websites using your links, and intensify the SMO activities. All these activities will help you to generate quality backlinks to your website and boost the WordPress SEO up to a great extent.

Reverse the Noindex Tag of web-pages

While creating websites, web designers and developers use the Noindex tag to prevent search engines from indexing incomplete website or webpage. In some cases, they forget to reverse the Noindex tag of the website or its pages. Such engines can’t visit and index such websites or web pages. So, make sure you have successfully turned off the Noindex setting before optimizing your website.

Seek Expert’s Help If you are Trailing in the SEO Business

Finding a decent ranking on Google and maintaining the position is not a child’s play. Sometimes, despite applying the best SEO practices, you trail in the game of SEO and lose your business into the hands of your competitors. This awkward situation creates a situation of do or die for because of the rapidly declining SEO ranking of your website. Don’t hesitate to seek expert’s help to keep yourself in the competition and make your web-based business a profitable venture.

Frequent SEO Audit

In simple terms, according to this WordPress SEO guide, SEO audit is a process in which expert digital marketing professionals examine your various SEO activities, point out shortcomings, and recommend the best possible remedy. It doesn’t matter how qualified and experienced SEO professional you are, mistakes are possible. So, conduct the SEO audit from time-to-time and evaluate the performance of your website. Explore your weak points and take all possible measures to do away with them as soon as possible. You will see a sharp improvement in your WordPress SEO within a few days.

WordPress SEO Guide: Concluding Remarks

The volume of sales and revenues in a web-based business depends on the quality of your SEO exercises. You can improve your WordPress SEO by following the above-mentioned tips and easily excel in the web-based business.

The post WordPress SEO Guide: 15 Steps From Basic To Advanced appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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Major Advertising Trends 2018 & Updates in PPC Paid Search Tue, 16 Jan 2018 07:41:06 +0000 Do you want to know what are the major PPC advertising trends 2018? Continue reading and be the first to know.

The post Major Advertising Trends 2018 & Updates in PPC Paid Search appeared first on DesignWebKit.

On a number of occasions, entrepreneurs and business owners fail to meet their business targets through different digital marketing campaigns using all current advertising trends 2018. In order to beat the cut-throat competition and sustain in the game of the web-based business, they resort to PPC eventually.

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In simple words, PPC is a process of buying paid traffic to websites. In this online advertising model, advertisers display ads for their goods and services over different search engines and pay fees each time a visitor clicks on the placed ads. It is a powerful tool to get lots of traffic to your website and lead generation opportunities within a short duration of time.

The success of PPC campaigns depends on how well you accommodate the current PPC trends and adopt them in your PPC exercise. So, do you want to know what are the major PPC advertising trends 2018? If yes, then go through the list below. It will help you to make substantial improvements in your own PPC campaigns in 2018 and mint money easily:

Use Long Tail Keywords to Target The larger Audience

There are many ways to get the required information about the targeted audience. As more and more people are using the internet on mobile devices, desktops, laptops, tablets, and other internet-enabled devices, it is very important to you to understand how customers behave while visiting your website. This will help you to know the desires of potential customers and create PPC campaigns accordingly.

advertising trends 2018 long tail keywords

In 2018, digital marketing professionals and SEO specialists need to pay more attention to research and find long tail keywords in their niche. It will enable them to target user’s specific queries easily and meet their needs without any hassle.

They must focus on developing PPC campaigns based on the user’s behavior. Don’t concentrate entirely on the conversion/buying stage. Take all possible measures to gather more information about the targeted audience and try to know what they expect from you.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

As people are spending lots of time on their mobile devices, mobile PPC campaigns will give a great boost to your web-based business. There are a large number of tech-geeks who spend at least 15 hours per week on different mobile devices, a healthy amalgamation of Mobile PPC Campaigns and social media advertising will help you a lot.

amp advertising trends 2018

So, you must focus on audience targeting on mobile devices. Just make your website responsive to all mobile devices and optimize it perfectly for search engines and people like. By doing so, you will be able to meet the buyer’s expectations and increase the chances of lead generation manifold.

Google Shopping Will Grow

Although Google Shopping is not new to advertising trends 2018, it is increasing swiftly with each passing day. This trend is likely to boom in 2018. This powerful tool helps all vendors to grow their sales significantly.

google shopping advertising trends 2018

Besides this, Shopping Ads should have eye-catching images so that visitors can click them and buy the offered products/services. Even Google has updated its features to support the use of such types of ads. It helps users to find, research and compare different products easily and choose the best ones for themselves.

In 2018, you will have to start shopping campaigns differently. Just research and understand how it works and how it is applicable in your case. Just add good quality pictures to your products and provide the all-inclusive information to make your PPC campaigns successful.

Website Loading Speed Matters A Lot

When you take all possible steps to make your PPC campaigns successful, don’t ignore the loading speed of your website or its pages. If your website is slow, Google will not prefer your website while displaying results.

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If you don’t tackle the issues ASAP, you are likely to lose almost 60% of your total business coming from big and small screens. A website with slow loading speed has higher bounce rate and negative remarks from visitors. You can’t expect your PPC campaigns to shower money in your wallet with a slow loading website.

So, be active, use the free tools Website Speed Test Tools and measure the main culprits that are making your website slow. Based on the output, take all possible steps to make your website faster. PPC campaigns done for faster websites have higher chances of success.

Machine Learning Will Be In Limelight

Since long, advertisers used to do the A/B testing to understand the effectiveness of their PPC Ad campaigns. Recently, Google pushed them away from the A/B testing model of running two different advertisements and performing the assessment work manually.

In 2018, we will observe that machine learning is getting smarter. For example- you have a PPC ad to target all of your audience throughout the year. Just before the Black Friday, you create a PPC Ad to grow your holiday sales.

Then, the machine learning will gaze how these two ads are performing. Soon, you would come to know that holiday sales are doing much better than the previous ad. Depending on the output, you will make the require changes in your PPC campaigns and easily recover the invested amount.

Demographic Targeting Will Multiply

The main aim of PPC campaigns to get more traffic to websites and convert them into leads as far as possible. Keyword-based search ads have ruled the web since long. Generally, search engines like Google & Bing don’t capture demographic information of the searcher.

Demographic advertising trends 2018

However, different social media websites to target customers based on their geographical locations. As social media optimization is an important factor for increasing the ranking of your website and boosting the keyword performance, advertisers will pay more attention to demographic targeting while placing PPC advertisements so that they can make the Ad campaigns successful.

Gmail Ad Is Among Advertising Trends 2018 Too

All advertisers who are interested in growing their businesses and creating leads in bulk will flock to Gmail Ads. It helps them to get a new audience and build brand awareness in an easy way.

gmail advertising trends 2018

As Gmail has more than 900 million active users all over the world, it allows entrepreneurs to find the potential audience and generate business opportunities easily and quickly. Advertisers can give Gmail Ads (Gmail Sponsored Promotions) and expect business opportunities to come in their way in 2018.

As shown in the picture, the advertisement appears in a user’s Gmail inbox under the “Promotions” tab. If interested, users can click on the ad, see the offered products and services, and buy them eventually.

Custom Intend Audience

Many advertisers find it very difficult to offer personalized advertisements to a large number of customers/clients and seek the positive response from them. If you want to personalize your PPC campaigns and earn handsome revenues in 2018, switch to Custom Intend Audience.

Under this scheme, Google allows advertisers to personalize their advertisements on the Google Display Network and target only the interested customers who are willing to buy their products and services.

For this, necessary data is collected from your website, campaigns, and YouTube. Google creates auto-generated custom intent audience lists based on the campaign and helps entrepreneurs to sell their products and services in maximum numbers.

Concluding Remarks on the Advertising Trends 2018:

It can be a fun to make predictions about key PPC trends 2018. As an experienced digital marketing professional/ SEO specialists, you should have a close in the past, present and future PPC trends to make your PPC campaigns successful in 2018. These are some major PPC advertising trends 2018 which are likely to rock in 2018. So, prepare yourself for it in advance, do the required homework and fetch success in PPC campaigns easily.

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Using Twitter for Marketing – Top Secret Techniques Thu, 24 Aug 2017 11:41:13 +0000 Twitter - the World’s number one micro blogging site is now 11 years old. In this post, I am going to provide you some important insights that will help you to leverage Twitter for your Business or Personal website.

The post Using Twitter for Marketing – Top Secret Techniques appeared first on DesignWebKit.

Twitter – the World’s number one micro-blogging site is now 11 years old. It was first started by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams back in March 2006. There are some technical pundits which say that Twitter is dying. At the end of 2016, Twitter had over 319 million users! Well, if this is dying, then keep me dead. After 2005, the world was revolutionized by the blogging trend. Twitter started boosting the traffic of the blogs and then after the 2012 timeline, things changed forever. Using Twitter for marketing became a trend. The result was astounding. Twitter proved to be a great source of traffic.

Twitter for Marketing

In this post, I am going to provide you with some important insights that will help you to leverage Twitter for your Business or Personal website and drive traffic to your website. Whether you’re an injury lawyer, agency owner, or brand manager these actionable tips will help you get the most out of marketing on the bird app. So, let’s get started and see how you can start using Twitter for marketing and growing your traffic in 2022.

Using Twitter for Marketing – Analytics

This is one of the best things provided by Twitter. Through Analytics, you can grasp some of the great deals about your followers or people you need to follow, or other general stuff. Now there are some key metrics you want to keep track of. Let’s discuss them in detail.

twitter audience

Understand Your Audience

You can track the location, lifestyles, and interests of your target audience with the help of Twitter analytics.

Measure the Level of Engagement

Talking about marketing on Twitter, this is one of the most important factors when it comes to tracking the level of engagement of your audience. Twitter enables you to track the retweets, link clicks, and likes. Apart from that, it also enables you to check the number of impressions and engagement level of your audience. These data can be used as some crucial inputs to create a more engaging post in the future.

Time of Your Audience Engagement

Twitter analytics can also inform you about the engagement details as well. By studying the report in detail you can easily speculate the best day of the week or best hour of the day to tweet. However, it varies with the nature of your audience, so you need to figure it out yourself.

Track Events Easily

On the Twitter analytics dashboard, Event is a category. Through this category, you can see all the actions of the events. If anything is worth tweeting, that can be done through here. You can easily filter the events through dates and locations. In order to have proper growth in your website traffic, you need to leverage all the features of Twitter analytics. This will help you to understand your audience. As the digital marketers used to say, “It is not about real-time marketing, it is about the right-time marketing.” This analytics section of Twitter will help you to guess the right time and increase the website traffic for your business.

Incredible Twitter for Marketing Tool – Social Listening

Twitter can be immensely resourceful when it comes to tracking the problems of your customers and prospects. With the help of Twitter, you can easily monitor the direction of your business and website. Let’s see what you can do with Twitter here:

twitter for marketing


The hashtags inform about which topic is trending and which is not. You can search directly for a hashtag to see all the posts mentioning that hashtag. Also, there is a section of top tweets on the left top corner side of the Twitter dashboard. Also, you can make use of to track the trending result of the hashtags.

Brand Mentions

Brand plays a crucial role in business. Twitter is quite helpful in learning all the brand mentions by the people. You can easily track the mentions just by using the simple search option of Twitter. This helps you to have valuable data about your brand, your competitor’s brand, and other general stuffs.

 Twitter for Marketing – Lists

This function is actually not known by all the people. Many use it quite less but this can be a great tool to keep an eye on your competition. You can create a list that you can choose either to be public or private. The private list can be only viewed by you. With this list, you can easily reckon the interests of your target audience. This can help you to create more engaging content for a particular group of users.

Broadcast Live

With Twitter, you can also broadcast live streaming video from any event of your liking or your viewer’s liking. This live streaming got immensely popular with Facebook and Youtube. Then after 2015, Twitter also starts giving this feature, and things were made easy for all the business persons or bloggers who are using Twitter as a promoting platform.

twitter engagement

Let’s see what you can achieve with Live Streaming on Twitter,

Introduce Products

With the live streaming on Twitter, it is easy to reach your target audience while introducing a new product of your company. As it is life, people will ask questions in real-time, so it is a perfect opportunity for you to get close to your viewer and prospects.

Broadcast Relevant Events

With live streaming, a blogger or a businessman can use broadcast any relevant and interesting event to make sure that the viewers also become a part of it. This use of Twitter for marketing increases the interactions and certainly increases user engagement.

Give a Closer Look at Your Company

With the live stream, you can give your prospects a closer look into your headquarter or company premises, or store. This engages your customers and keeps them close to your product or website if you’re a blogger.

Twitter for Marketing – Wrapping up

So, these are the ways as you can see, through which you can not just generate website traffic but also increase the quality of engagement. I hope you like my post about using Twitter for marketing. Did I miss something? Let me know through the comments. Till then have a good one.

The post Using Twitter for Marketing – Top Secret Techniques appeared first on DesignWebKit.

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